In 2019, I wrote my first book – Best Face Forward – Basic Skills and Practical Makeup Looks From Your Makeup BFF, which is available for purchase both here on my site, as well as on Amazon.
Many people expressed wanting to buy physical copies, which were not available, because the book is so full of internet-based resources (like links to videos and products available for purchase online).
Even though this is a smaller project, since some of it is usable as a workbook, I wanted to make it available as a printed book. Of course, I still wanted to make the resources accessible to those who purchased a physical copy, so that’s why I figured I’d make them available here! I also plan on giving the outline away free (and people can fill in the gaps) and figure this will be helpful to people who just use the outline as well!
I’m working on some general resources available here, too… Such as this list of books recommended by past podcast guests, this page of my favorite resources, and this categorized list of podcast guests, all of which are works in progress!
However for those specific to 2020 Vision: How to Plan and Execute Goals to Roar in the New Twenties, I offer you this list of 2020 Vision Resources! Here they are in the order in which they appear in the book!
1. I reference my first book (linked above) and podcast in my introduction. Here’s a link to the podcast if you’re unfamiliar!
2. I also share two of my favorite books by Danielle LaPorte: The Desire Map, and The Firestarter Sessions.
3. My favorite planner to track all my inspired actions is the 90X Goal Planner. It’s actually a big part of the reason this guide exists – it’s in place of me creating a planner, because I finally found one I love!
4. Another favorite book I mention is PUSH by Chalene Johnson, which you can find here!
5. Yet another favorite book is The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy, which you can find here!
6. I mention The Fiscal Femme a couple times. Here‘s where you can find more about her!
6. Near the end, I say that I would like people who find a way to digitally make this magic happen to share their apps and tips with me. I’d also love to hear if you have a planner other than the 90X Goal Planner that you love. Here‘s where you can contact me (if you’re not a social media person and following me there) to share your opinions, tips, recommendations, etc!
7. My facebook group for personal development can be found here!
At the very end, I share some asks… So I can “help you help me,” I am pasting that section here too!
1. If you’ve gotten this far, please leave a review wherever you got this book… I don’t know all of the computer science behind it, but I do believe it helps the algorithms and whatnot!
2. Share! Whether it’s this book, a blog or social media post I’ve done, or a podcast episode, anytime my stuff reaches new eyes or ears, it increases the possibilities of inspiring a new person (and adding to that big group I mentioned a couple paragraphs ago), so please help me with that!
3. Join the group! If you haven’t already, I’d love to have you! Bring friends (but don’t just add them to the group, because I think that’s rude and annoying)!
4. Listen to my podcasts, watch my videos (or even have them running on mute in your sleep – haha). They’re free and it’s free, and there’s that whole aforementioned algorithm thing… 😜
5. Combine #1 & #4 – please review my podcast, too! And comment on stuff – I like to be social on social media, too – let’s chat!
Let’s make the world a better place together, by achieving our dreams and inspiring others to do the same!
I’m going to close with my favorite quote, and a relevant one that made me smile when thinking of the accountability/help piece:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” – Marianne Williamson
“You know, this could be a sign of things to come. You win all your cases, but with somebody else’s help, right? you win case after case, and then afterwards you have to go up to somebody and you have to say, ‘thank you.’ Oh my God, what a F#$%!&@ nightmare!”
Thank you. 😉