I have been so blessed to have been featured on a few podcasts and in a few articles. Of course, you can see my writing here, but for actual stuff ABOUT me, you’re at the right page! If you’d like to interview me, please make sure that you check out my contact page and send me a message!
I was on Vivica A Fox’s “Face the Truth” daytime television show. Here it is!
Recently, I was featured for a second time on the Sisterhood of Sweat podcast. Linda Mitchell had been on my podcast, then decided to do her own! I have now been on it twice, and am so proud of her for achieving the honor of being in the top 200 podcasts on iTunes! Here are my first and second times on her show!
I was also featured in an article on the site Voyage LA, called “Life and Work with Mandie Brice.”
I told my story while enjoying a mimosa (yes, please, and thank you very much) on Monday Morning Mimosas, and you can listen to that here!
For the 101st episode of my podcast (which came out on my 36th birthday), I let one of my former guests Hemad Fadaifar turn the tables and interview me. Not sure if it really counts as press per se, but if you want to hear and see me tell my own story, check this out!
Another earlier podcast interview I did as a guest was to go on Social Capital with Lori Highby, and you can listen to it here! I spoke primarily about how networking (both online and in person) has positively impacted my career and life!
I was recently on The Life and Business Trailblazer podcast with Daniela Gilet, which you can listen to here!
And profiled in this interview for Pump It Up Magazine!
And this podcast for The Confidence Crown!