It has been a long time since I have written about fitness! I assure you, it is not because of a lack of attention to it. I have just changed focus a little! When I was really working my business as a Beachbody Coach (which I still am, just not actively building my business), I talked and wrote about it a lot more than I do now! Since I still think it is an important part of my “Look Better, Feel Better, Be Better” motto, I want to write about it more! So, here’s a little tip on how to make your workout easier (to enjoy)!
If you’ve been wondering what I’ve been up to, I have mostly been lifting in the gym at USC, since Tommy works there. And as for my workouts? It’s nice being married to someone who studies exercise physiology, because he makes my workouts for me that are tailored to my goals and things I need to work on for optimal performance!
But I’m not going to lie… It’s not always FUN.
Not that Beachbody workouts always were, either (although some of them were, and I still incorporate them), but at least I’d know when something new was coming. For example, the P90X workouts were all 90 days long, and I knew after the 90 days, something new was on the way!
In the video above, I think that was my first time doing 145lbs. Now I do 160lbs for five sets of five, a couple times a week. It’s great, but sometimes I think “am I going to just keep slowly adding weight for the rest of my life?”
For me to have what I’ve deemed an ideal, well-rounded week, I’m getting 3-5 lifts in, one HIIT workout (usually from TurboFire), a yoga workout, and an abs workout. I’d love to start adding more FUN to it, though – more hikes, and more dance!
That’s where this week’s tip on how to make your workout easier comes in!
(I recorded this up in NorCal when I wasn’t married yet, in case you’re wondering about the maiden name!)
It goes without saying that an “easy” workout, where you don’t feel a difference isn’t going to change you, so if your goals are to build muscle or lose fat, something super breezy may not be the answer. This is something I have to remind myself at the gym when I’m tempted to skip a set, or even an exercise – making my workout easier isn’t going to give me the results I want!
However, like in this post I did about what workout is the best one to do, if you dread working out so much you don’t even want to do it, that is a worse workout than one that’s easier but you’ll do every day!
So, just like Nick Elvery said in his Bold Moves Fearless Fridays challenge, it’s time to try something new!
Sometime in the next MONTH, I want to go to one of LA’s dance studios and try a dance class. It probably isn’t going to be easy (aside from getting certified to teach Hip Hop Hustle, and a couple workouts with Chalene Johnson at Beachbody events, I haven’t done choreographed dance since high school cheerleading)! BUT, it’ll be fun, and just shy of my comfort zone, so I am in! I need to take better advantage of living in LA and having access to things like that anyway!
Will you keep me accountable? If I haven’t posted about this experience on instagram by the end of July, please harass me!
So, what new physical activity are you going to try? Comment below!

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