A while back, shortly after I made the transition over to MandieBrice.com from MandieM.com, I did a blog post sharing the different updates in my life, which included a couple tv appearances, and relaunching my makeup course.
I left out my makeup portfolio updates, partially because there was already so much in that post that I didn’t want it to be 4,956,784 words long!
So, here I am, with another “update” post, which includes the major updates to my makeup portfolio, as well as an appearance on a podcast!
Let’s start with the podcast appearance (since a makeup update is likely interesting to fewer people)!
A couple years ago, I met Laurie Ruettimann when I did her hair & makeup before a speaking engagement she was to be having in San Francisco. Laurie is an HR professional, and fellow podcaster. We kept in touch over the years, as she has asked me to do her hair and makeup a couple times since. The most recent time she asked, however, she had to cancel because she ended up canceling her entire trip due to emergency surgery on her gall bladder (don’t worry, she’s ok now!). She offered what’s known as a “kill fee,” which is basically a financial compensation that’s lower than the actual rate to make up for the fact that someone (in this case, me) still kept the date free and potentially turned down other paid jobs for the job that ended up being canceled. It’s a very considerate thing to do that doesn’t always happen, and I appreciated it greatly!
As much as I love money, I value knowledge more, and Laurie had some that I wanted. I told her that in lieu of the kill fee, I’d love to spend some time picking her brain. She agreed, and when she was recovered, I sent her some questions I had about how to begin a speaking career. She thought about it for a while, and then decided that the best way to handle this situation was to have me on her podcast where we could chat, and then I could ask her my questions. I loved this idea, because then it could help other people who have the same goals as me at the same time, so we interviewed, and now here it is for your listening pleasure!
We chatted a bit about my story, as well as the questions I had about a speaking and writing career, so if any of those topics interest you, I suggest you take a listen! Of course, you can also find it on my “Press & Features” page here!
Now, on to the makeup portion of this update!
I’ve done some writing about makeup – like this Better Homes & Gardens article about foundation for aging skin, and this InStyle one about eyeshadow for mature eyes! You can see more of my writing here!
One fun thing since my last makeup portfolio update is a commercial that I did back in November for DoubleTree, the hotel chain! We filmed over a couple days in Palm Springs!
Here’s a teaser:
Obviously, since the main character’s head is covered, I didn’t do much to her (except act like I was in the Art Department and make the screen less shiny), but I did work on most of the background talent and other actors, assisted by Dawn Coleman!
And here’s the main commercial, and if you click right here, the site for the ad campaign!
Additionally, I got another cover, this time of Vulkan Magazine, which you can see here:
Here’s a sweet video from the shoot:
And here are some other fun images from it! The team is credited in the embedded instagram post, if you’re interested!
I also did a few shoots with some adorable kiddos….
Got another edit from my shoot with Timothy Granaderos (from Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why)…
Did a couple shoots for Pound Fit, an exercise platform (and here’s one from those):
Did another album cover….
And some fun portfolio-building stuff with a few different people! Just check out my makeup instagram for more!
If you’re still with me, you must either love me, or love makeup!
Either way, that may make you a target audience for my makeup course, which I am doing another round of in Beauty Bootcamp form! We’re working together as a group through the five modules and two hours of content (which you get lifetime access to), and once again, I am donating $2 from every $19 signup to charity, but this time it’s directly to this lovely woman I met and was able to get a generator donated to! She lives and works on Skid Row here in LA, doing donation-based alterations, and she is such a sweetheart! You can join in on the fun by clicking this link!
And if you’re STILL reading, you must be an over-achiever, or an over-achiever in training. If you’d like to get to the next level, I recommend the 90X Goal Planner, and I am giving away a copy at this link here, where I interviewed the creator of the planner!
Whew! I’m tired from that! If you still want to read, though, here’s a book list from my podcast guests and what they recommend!
Ok, now I’m done… For real this time!
*Affiliate links: Same experience for you, but I get a lil kickback for making the recommendation!

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