It seems I’ve fallen off the map again! As I mentioned in my last update, we moved to Sacramento! I am so proud of my husband, still, and am loving the different fun things that have become part of our new normal! It somewhat feels like my old life has stopped, and a new one has begun! Here’s more of what I’ve been doing, as it seems like it’s time for Another update: Modeling, Interviewing, and Writing!
One of the things that I did right before we moved was an interview with Rachel Smets, who was a guest on my podcast as well. Here it is, even though so much has changed since this interview (like moving to a new city)!
Hopefully you liked that Speed Interview! If you want to see more conversation between Rachel and I, head here!
Another thing that I did before I moved to Sacramento was a modeling shoot for the D. Noble Collection. It was both video and stills! For a while, I was wearing the pajamas I was gifted all day long, including during a podcast interview. I was contemplating a Hugh Hefner situation, where perhaps my signature look would be PJs all day… But that was a short-lived phase!
Here’s the video from the shoot:
And here are a few of my favorite stills!
That’s the “instaglam” version of my life. In reality, I am surrounded by boxes!
No makeup, messy ponytail, workout clothes – yes, this is much more accurate! And I think our hamper is in one of those boxes! Everything downstairs is unpacked, it’s just upstairs that needs work!
Right now, the podcast is on hiatus, at least until November, maybe longer. I am still writing, but am going to come back to re-prioritizing doing it on this blog, versus my paid writing assignments, and #WeNeedToTalk (see my most recent post on there right here)! So hopefully, you’ll be seeing more from me soon!
Hope you enjoyed Another update: Modeling, Interviewing, and Writing!
Stay tuned for more from me!

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