I have a challenge for you: do that annoying thing you’ve been putting off. Something tells me that when you read the title of this blog, you had at least ONE thing come to mind. Is there a call you have to make? Something you need to mail? An email you need to send? A customer support chat you need to begin?
How about a blog to write? Something small you need to fix, organize, or put away?
Worse, is there a list of things that have been irritating you that you’ve decided were going to be a huge pain in the rear end, so you keep saving for when you have more time or energy?
For me, I hate to admit it, but there’s a list. An updated security system needs to be added to what we have. I have a pile of things that need to go to the post office. It’s embarrassing to admit, but I need to send out our 2020 Christmas cards that I’m hopefully going to rebrand as St. Paddy’s Day Cards. I also have two friends who’ve had babies (one of which is now a year old) that I have not sent gifts for yet. And you know that savings challenge I’m doing (and leading)? I have been snoozing my alarm to deposit into my savings, Acorns*, and ChangEd accounts. š¤¦š¼āāļøš³
Do you feel better that you’re not alone, and maybe someone is even worse about these things than you are? Is that enough to push you to do that annoying thing you’ve been putting off? If not, please read on.
Not to make excuses, but to be fair… About a year ago, I was diagnosed with ADHD, and one of the negatives that goes along with this is challenges in managing executive function. This basically means that things that seem simple to deal with to most people seem like the most monumentous tasks to others like me.
I am not exaggerating when I say that I would rather write another book than try to figure out a password I’ve forgotten to some app or website.
Ok, maybe I am exaggerating… slightly.
Whoever came up with the phrase “don’t make a mountain into a molehill” was probably trying to coerce their friend with ADHD and executive function challenges to get something done that seemed easy to them!
However, as part of my friend Steph’s business incubator, I took place in an online co-working session via zoom that I really enjoy and join when I can. In the last meeting I was able to be part of, one of the other members shared that she’s been meaning to do some fixes and updates to her computer, but keeps putting it off, and in the meantime, she is unable to use it and has had to borrow her parents’ laptop. She and the facilitator agreed that the amount of time she’s spent being annoyed with her computer has likely, by this point, exceeded the amount of time that she would actually spend fixing it.
I couldn’t help but think about my list of things… No computer to update, but you see the list above, and I know I have plenty to add to it!
In my most recent book I wrote (as well as the course that accompanies it, which should be available soon), I teach about OHIO, which stands for “Only Handle It Once.” My favorite example of this is mail… Instead of carrying in your mail, setting it on a table, moving it around four times, and then having it get lost or pile up, only handle it once. Recycle the junk immediately (or better, get off the list AND recycle it), pay any paper bills you’re still receiving (and sign up for paperless billing), and file anything else away or deal with it right away.
Well, this applies to my list, too… But now I need to add “AHIRA,” which isn’t as memorable, but stands for “And Handle It Right Away.”
I’m challenging myself to follow these OHIO AHIRA steps… And figured we should do this together. So, why don’t you also pledge to do that annoying thing you’ve been putting off, too?
1. Make a list of the BS things you’ve been procrastinating on or avoiding.
2. Make deadlines for when you’ll complete each thing.
3. Share the deadlines of completion with a tough love friend (don’t have one? How about in my personal development facebook group?).
4. Time how long the actual doing of the thing takes, as well as rating its difficulty level. Note that both are probably not as bad as you expected.
5. Repeat!
So, are you in? Are you going to do that annoying thing you’ve been putting off? I hope so! Let’s get ish done!
*These are affiliate links! I think we actually both get some kind of reward if you sign up through them. Win for both of us!

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