Hello! Happy March! I hope that you are still rolling steadily toward your goals, and that you haven’t given up on your New Years’ Resolutions or 2020 goals. If you have, don’t forget that it is ALWAYS a good time to work toward being better (and of course, I recommend my book to help you get there)! I wanted to update everyone with a couple things that my friends who are committed to being better and I are doing, and invite you to join us… So with that, I present our March book club book & abundance challenge!
I take full blame for it, but we ended up getting a hilariously late start to our “February book,” after meeting with Elle to discuss “Confident As Fu*k” finally last week. (I ended up rescheduling our chat because I ended up traveling and wanted to accommodate some group members who I knew had read the book and were excited for it)!
We voted and our “February” book club book is “Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower” by Brittney Cooper*. We chose it partially because of Black History month (February) – inspired by this article, but as I’m sure you’re aware that it’s now March and I haven’t shared a reading schedule yet… So it works out perfectly that March is Women’s Month, and this book covers both bases! It’s multi-tasking at its best!
Lately, we’ve been reading books written by some of my past podcast guests and discussing them, but I since I haven’t interviewed Brittney Cooper and don’t have a personal connection to her, I am not sure if that is something we can accomplish… But I’ll try!
Either way, I generally make a four-week reading schedule and come up with reflection questions for each quarter of the book. I post the reflection questions in our facebook group, and we chat on there on our own time. Then, we determine a time for a video chat, and do that online all together. As I mentioned, we’ve been having the author on with us lately, but I am not sure I can promise that this time!
If you’re interested, you can click here and request to join our facebook group, where much of this discussion takes place. If you’re not a facebook person, just send me a message, and I will make sure to invite you to the video chat portion!
Additionally, in the group, we are going to do a 21-Day Abundance challenge with meditations and journal prompts, and that will start March 7th! Again, it’s free to join, and you can just click here to join in on the fun!
I hope you find this useful, and that you enjoy both the March book club book & abundance challenge!
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*This is an affiliate link. Your experience and price will be the same, but you get the happy feelings of knowing I did a little excited dance when you ordered because I got a tiny commission!

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