For the past seven months or so, I have been learning about runes, and on a small scale, doing rune readings and rune casts. Now I am sharing it more publicly and explaining it, in case you are curious or interested! So, without further ado, here’s some information about my rune readings/rune casts.
All of my life, I have had interests in all things spiritual. When I was a kid, I wanted a crystal ball. I was obsessed with this new age catalog that carried pewter items and crystals and wizards. I loved crystals. I did yoga. Meditated. Had a set of tarot cards… the list goes on and on. Like many people, as I “grew up,” I let a lot of it fall by the wayside, and focused on other things.
I’m not sure if some of this is a result of living in California, where the things that people describe as “woo” (and I apologize if that offends you – I know many in this community hate the term) are more accepted, or just a natural progression back to what I was so intrigued by as a child.
I can think of a handful of people and inspirations that have led me a bit down this path… Learning about the Law of Attraction and even going to some meetups, interviewing Steph Lagana for my podcast, getting a palm or tarot reading done in Baltimore with my friend Neda and getting some crystals and having really interesting experiences with them, spending time with my friend Nance and her sisters before she moved to Europe, doing makeup on the stunning Brittany Leigh and trading services for tarot readings, the list goes on. I’ve been slowly making my way back to seeing the world a bit differently, closer to the way I did as a kid.
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As the creator of the Bold Moves Podcast, I’ve realized that I have not been living as authentically as I should be. Shoot, I’ve been doing these readings for quite a few months, and have only really shared them in circles where I knew it would be accepted!
I saw this post on instagram on Sunday that kinda bugged me (see post below), and made me feel like I should really make an effort to be more me, more visibly. It reminded me how brave some people are, and that if they can do it, I can!
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So… I should probably start with how I got started!
When I was still living in LA, I bought a tarot deck, but something about it just didn’t resonate with me much, even when I was doing readings on a semi-regular basis for myself.
If you haven’t seen or read already, I’m pregnant (hopefully you haven’t seen or heard already so much you’re sick of it)!
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When I found out we were expecting, I feel like I had a lot of different parts of my intuition kind of “wake up.” Apparently, this is not uncommon. I felt a call to do something, but wasn’t sure what.
I was thinking about my ethnic background (specifically relevant: my grandma’s parents are from Denmark and Norway), and my future baby’s ethnic background, and I somehow came upon Norse magic and traditions, and runes. I was familiar with them for a while, but didn’t really know tons. So, I ordered this gorgeous set made out of sea glass, and started reading books about it.
Since then, I’ve been doing rune casts for myself nearly every day since January, plus monthly pulls… I’ve been assisted by lots of reading (books and online sources), as well as the use of a planner that is primarily intended for tarot. It has been really intriguing and eye-opening, and I’m loving feeling my intuition, insight, and… dare I say “gifts” unfold?
I’ve given a few rune readings to others as well – some paid, some for practice, and have had some wonderful feedback:
I’m no longer using the beach glass set, as more than half of them met their demise, but have two new sets that have replaced them – a wooden set made from petrified ancient wood from an English bog, and a goldstone set.
I want to make sure that I am clear that this has in no way replaced my religion… I am still very Christian and Catholic. I believe that actions like meditation and rune casting help deepen a connection to God, and to help with introspection and learning to listen to God’s wisdom and have faith more. I know there are some arguments that practices like tarot or divination are “devil business,” but I couldn’t disagree more. In fact, I pray before, during, and after every reading, and read biblical scripture almost daily (I’m consistently inconsistent in nearly all I do, for better or for worse)!
So, if your interest has been piqued, you may wonder – how does it work?
If you’re interested in getting your very own rune cast, you can head to this page on my site.
There, you will be able to place an order for your rune cast, and you will be sent an email with a link to a google form.
On the google form, there are a few options you can choose from – like which runes you’d like me to use, and which spread you’d like me to follow (basically – what would you like to learn from the runes?), as well as how you’d like your reading delivered (MP3? Paragraph?).
Then, once I receive it and have the energy for it, I go ahead and do the reading, and deliver it to you in whichever format you request. So far, I haven’t taken more than 24 hours, but I don’t make any promises on ETA of finished product. This is, after all, energetically consuming at times, so I don’t ever want to make a promise I can’t keep or deliver sub-par results because I’m overdoing it.
Anyway, I would love to hear what questions you may have about runes or the process – it’ll help me build my FAQ section I want to make!
Stay tuned for that, and for more from this area of my life!
P.S. This is a picture from a modeling shoot I did a long time ago (when I lived in Wisconsin) and I thought it fit perfectly! An artist did a drawing, and it reminds me of the traditional vulva (Norse witches), so I wanted to use it until I do a revised/updated shoot with my runes!
Mandie Brice

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