It’s the beginning of July, the second half of the year, and the start of the new quarter. For many of us, it’s a time to take a look at our goals for the year, and how we’re coming along with our progress. Whether that thought is scary because your resolutions or fitness and nutrition plan have fallen by the wayside, or thrilling because you’re right on track or even ahead of where you wanted to be, here’s what to do if you fall off the wagon!
It’s also the weekend after the 4th of July, which in the US is often full of celebratory foods that might not be part of the nutrition or fitness plans we normally choose!
I’m personally not a fan of dieting – I think we should do our best to make good nutritional choices, but I find diets restrictive and unsustainable. I believe in small choices and changes that add up to big results, like in one of my favorite books, The Compound Effect*.
But after last weekend in Napa, and currently being in Vegas, I can definitely admit that there are quite a few choices I’ve made in this past week that have not been aligned with my fitness and nutrition goals, but much more in line with my “quality of life” goals!
It can be tempting to wait for Monday, or August, or even January to get back on the train, but here’s why you shouldn’t:
If you’re not a video-watching fan, I’ll sum it up for you: while it may be tempting to wait for a fresh week, month, or year, I recommend you start right away! I adore the beauty of those new & fresh starts, but not was much as I adore results, and you know you’ll get them faster if you start today!
You may not see or feel it, but every single workout you do makes you better – whether it’s faster, stronger, more endurance, etc. When we wait for a new week, we’re wasting time and not making progress!
Same with nutrition – every meal or snack we eat has an impact, and it’s up to you whether that’s a positive impact or negative impact!
And like is often the case, this fitness and nutrition advice applies outside the fitness and nutrition world as well! So if you’re working on another project and have let it slip a bit, today’s the day to get back at it, because those small steps add up! (Did I mention my love for The Compound Effect? 😜) Hope it helps you to now know what to do if you fall off the wagon! Oh, and if you’re looking for more book recommendations, here’s a great list!
By the way, The Compound Effect and the 90X Goal Planner/yesterday’s Bold Moves Fearless Fridays challenge go hand-in-hand perfectly, and I’m giving away a couple copies of the 90X Goal Planner thanks to ALoN David, the founder, who was a guest on my podcast this week, so make sure you check that out! But if you’re not feeling lucky, you can buy one here and use the code “BoldMoves25” for 25% off!
Cheers, to a great second half of 2019!
*By the by, anything for sale here is available via affiliate link. The experience is the same for you, but I get some change in exchange for the recommendation, and I appreciate your support!

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