If you’re in need of some #MondayMotivation a day early, I’ve got you covered. I’d love to share with you why you should start today – with whatever you have been putting off.
As you may know, I have a podcast that has over 300 episodes. The reason I created it is because I believe that the world would be a better place if everyone went after their passion (unless you’re passionate about being a serial killer or something).
And my feeling was that if people heard stories of people who’ve gone for it and taken risks, they will then hear a bit of themselves in their stories and believe that if all my amazing guests can do it, they can too!
But I think one of the things that slows people down is that things will take time.
You may have seen the memes/quotes on social media, but the cliche statement is true.
“Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.” – Earl Nightingale
This came to my mind on a recent trip home from a shoot I did in San Francisco.
I was caught in traffic on an off for a big portion of the drive, and it seemed like it was taking forever for me to get home. I was listening to some good music, when all of the sudden, I saw signs for towns that I knew were close to Sacramento. I couldn’t believe I was almost home!
That made me think of that Earl Nightingale quote above.
Even though I wasn’t going fast most of the drive, I was making progress, and I didn’t even notice it until I was almost home.
That’s a reminder to me that slow progress is still progress.
It may not be exciting, and the work we do daily toward the goal may not feel big. Whether it’s a workout, eating a healthy meal, spending some time writing a book, getting a library card to learn about your side hustle, or going to therapy to heal from traumas, it’s worth it. Like one of my favorite personal development books (The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy*) teaches, those small efforts add up to a big outcome.
“Most dramatic changes that seem to happen suddenly and out of nowhere are actually the result of extensive preparation and behind-the-scenes development.”
I am not sure where I got that quote, but I put it in my notes because it resonated.
Whatever it is you’re dreaming of, start today.
If you need some help, check out my goal guide that I wrote. It’s only $2.99, and can help you make small changes that add up to the big ones!
If you’d like to check out more book recommendations, here’s a list of them from my past podcast guests! It’s a work in progress, but is definitely a treasure trove! I also have a “support & resources page” that has a lot of my favorite services and such, so if you’re interested in a side hustle, this is the best place to go!
Now you know why you should start today, what are you going to start? Comment below so I can cheer you on!
*If you buy a book from this link, I get a little cut of Jeff Bezos’ money. Less for a billionaire, more for me! It’s an affiliate link, and I appreciate your support!
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