People tell me often that they think I’ve been busy – like every time I post a big bulk batch update what what I have been up to (like this most recent one)! I am not fond of that statement, even though I think it is meant as a compliment, because I am an advocate of stopping the glorification of busy! For me, it isn’t a matter of doing a lot of things so much as it is doing the important things that matter! So this is how to prioritize for productivity!
When one of the things that I was doing was making two videos per week (well, releasing two per week – even then, I was batching my content creation to optimize my time… and maximize any time I actually had my hair and makeup done – 😜), I made a video about how to prioritize for productivity, so I thought now would be a perfect time to share it!
Why now? There is just under a week left of my giveaway of my favorite planner – The 90X Goal Planner*! It goes perfectly with exactly what I am talking about in this video!
For me, the most important thing each day is figuring out what the most important things are that need to be done that day – my non-negotiables.
In the video, I reference another video I had made about the importance of getting up early. While I do get up early to work out (which is usually one of my personal non-negotiables), I don’t subscribe anymore to the notion that you have to get up early in the morning to be successful. I believe more strongly in self-care, and the importance of getting a good night’s sleep!
However, I think what you do once you get up is key! That’s when you prioritize for productivity!
What are the most important things that you need to do in any given day to get closer to your goals? Write them down right away (or even the night before) and work from that list the first time you get the chance.
On days that I don’t have shoots, I attack my list of five things I need to do every day to get closer to my goals. And I am careful not to confuse “urgent” with “important,” and it is also key for me to keep in mind what is actually toward my goals, and what just feels like it is, but is only busy work! (Have you read “Eat That Frog?”). And on days I do have obligations that take me out of the house (aside from the gym), I have a plan in place (or at least a list) of the most important things that need to be taken care of!
The 90X Planner has been instrumental in this for me. I strongly recommend you check it out! I have an affiliate link here, and ALoN, the creator of the planner, was on my podcast and gave me a coupon code “BoldMoves25” to save 25% if you want to get one! If you’re reading this before August 1st, 2019, you can also go to the podcast interview page and enter to win one!
Or, you can do what I did before I had the planner – write them on your own piece of paper or your own planner!
So, I’m curious – what are your daily non-negotiables? And how do you stay on track?
*These are affiliate links – you get the benefit of supporting a tiny business (me!) and the same experiences with Amazon and 90X, and I get a little commission for making the suggestion!
P.S. If you loved this blog, you’d probably like this one, too – it has even more similar suggestions!

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