Hello! Happy Thursday! Today, I want to tell you about the most exciting $10 of my life so far. I wish I could say that it was the first $10 I ever made as an entrepreneur. I supposed I COULD say that, but if I did, I would definitely be lying!
I can’t honestly remember the first $10 I made on my own. I was a rather enterprising young woman, and did a lot of weird things to make money as a kid. I sold pine cones, rocks, painted rocks, friendship bracelets, worms (to a bait shop) and a long list of things!
Somewhere along the way, my money mindset shifted. I am not sure exactly where it started… Was it when I eschewed financial gains to become a Middle School teacher? (My husband laughs at me because I knew that my elementary school gym teacher worked at Old Country Buffet in the evenings, and I STILL chose to be a teacher).
Was it when I was working hard on building my business as a Beachbody coach, and drilled it over and over into my head that selling was bad, and helping was good (and if I got a bit of cash from helping, then that’s fine, but that shouldn’t be the motivation)? Maybe. Perhaps I need to watch this video a few more times?
I don’t know if I can handle that! I don’t think my *former* (in progress) mindset of feeling aversions to making money is healthy. Reading books like “Get Rich Lucky Bitch*” and “You Are A Badass at Making Money*” have helped a ton, but I still have a long way to go. Talking to my friend Adam (who works in finance) was very impactful. He told me “It isn’t bad to make money. More money translates into more power. Can you imagine if the GOOD people had more money and power?” and the mental image of a world where the rich people were helping the less fortunate regularly was beautiful and inspiring. Are you thinking the next $10 after that conversation, or reading those books was the most exciting $10 of my life so far? Nope!
If you’re following me on any social media platform (and if you’re not, pick your faves from the signature below!), you’ve probably already heard about my online makeup course that I launched a couple years ago, and am now re-launching in the format of a beauty bootcamp!
Based upon some Marie Forleo homework I was doing, I was reflecting on how much I love when companies give back to charities. Since I love companies that donate portions of their profits to charities, I decided that I want to be a company that gives money to charities! I am going to be picking a different charity each month for money from my online Beauty Bootcamp to go to. This first month, I chose Shirley Raines of Beauty 2 The Streetz.
Learn more about what they do here:
In this first launch, I’ve been able to donate $10 to that charity, and – you guessed it – that’s the most exciting $10 of my life so far! It’s so funny, because it is such a small amount (although it’s just over 20% of what I make per $19 signup in the launch phase), but it feels like a million dollars, and I can’t wait until I have more money so I can donate more money!

I am going to ask my current students/bootcampers what charity should be next! I volunteered at Skid Row Easter, and the founder of Etnies was there. He has donated over fifty thousand pairs of his shoes. That has to feel amazing, and I can’t wait to be at that level!
Well, there you have it – the most exciting $10 of my life so far! Hopefully the next round will be the most exciting $50 of my life so far!
If you’re interested in joining, the link to the course is here! It’s $19 for lifetime access to the course, and you can join any time. The bootcamps just start monthly in the facebook group, but I don’t think it would be a bad thing if you were early or late! 😉
*I’m required by law to let you know that these are affiliate links! When you click them, you’ll have the same price and experience you normally would on Amazon, but you get to support a small business (specifically me) at the same time! Feel those warm & fuzzies yet from helping someone? Like my most exciting $10, right?!

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